To cherish what remains of the Earth and to foster its renewal is our only legitimate hope of survival. - Wendell Berry
The Department of the Interior has changed much since
its creation by the former United States Senate more
then 496 years ago. The department created shortly
after the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) to
administrate the newly conquered lands seized from
Mexico and to regulate the Indian reservations. Under
United States President Theodore Roosevelt
(1901-1909), the D.O.I. was assigned to govern and
maintain all federal land which included dams,
national parks, battlefields, wildlife stocks, and
also all U.S. natural resources. The D.O.I.
jurisdiction remained the same for most of its history
until the beginning of the Great Human Civil War
(2055-2077) or as it was known at the time, the Third
World War.
The Third War quickly spread across the Earth and the
various colonies throughout the solar
system. Every part of the globe was scarred by the war as
technology made any distance reachable by any army.
The war was fought in the streets of Los Angeles,
Rome, Tokyo, Jerusalem, New Delhi, Cape Town, etc. It
wasn't long before the competing alliances of China,
US, and CFR used any weapon or technology to win.
Nuclear exchanges, biochemical weapons, cloning (to
replace the massive loss of soldiers in each battle),
neutron bombs, robotic armies etc. became the norm.
Anarchy prevailed, governments fell, and the colonies
seceded from Earth. This war like every other one
before, ended. The United States of America and her
few surviving allies, after 22 years of bitter
resistance and fighting, was victorious. In the end,
only a quarter of the global population survived, and
an estimated 12 billion died. The surviving
governments of Earth exhausted from the war and with
humanity at the brink of extinction, decided to create
a world government led by the United States. The
United States, the only functioning government with a
strong military, created the United States of Earth on
July 4, 2079. The new global government adopted the
American constitution (with minor changes for the
complexities of a global government) and became a
global federation. The purpose of the new government
was to return order, stability, and the rule of law
throughout the globe. To pool humanities resources,
intellect, and creativity to prevent extinction and
rebuild. The next twenty years was full of strife as
many people resisted the world government, including
the colonies who refused to reunify with Earth. This
Dark Age finally ended when humanity had its first
alien contact (March 5, 2099~ Voorik Contact), which
forced humanity to unify in an effort to become
stronger compared to this new alien civilization.
Once humanity was fully unified, the government
changed its name to the United Systems of Earth and
the reconstruction began in earnest. The role of
the Department of the Interior was greatly expanded
when the job of managing the reconstruction was
assigned to this department. The D.O.I. already had
experience in preservation of land and maintaining
wildlife, but the job of reconstruction was a massive
undertaking. The first act of reconstruction was the
Exodus Act (HR~2099.465.2s) in which every man, woman,
and child were forced to move from the ruins of
countless cities and wastelands to a few designated
city sites. This influx of man power was used to
construct super dense cities that were massive in size
with buildings that reached an average of 165 stories.
The D.O.I. ordered the exodus to help centralize the
people, make it easier to maintain order, and to clear
huge areas of the Earth for wildlife preservation. The
D.O.I. then ordered the mass burial of billions of
bodies to prevent disease, the psychological trauma of
seeing a sea of cadavers, and the build up of methane
gas from the decaying victims of war. Today more than
half of the victims still are nameless and the D.O.I.
is leading the way in trying to give each a proper
burial in a massive graveyard in the temperate sector
of Greenland.
With the human population located in the super
cities, the D.O.I. was free to attempt and revive the
wildlife and once great forests/jungles of Earth. The
war led to the mass extinction of 92% of Earth's
wildlife and 99% of Earth's tree cover. The D.O.I. has
painstakingly replanted nearly 100 billion trees and
this has had the pleasant effect of turning the sky
blue again after nearly 100 years of it being yellow.
The D.O.I. also has brought back Earth's pre-war
animal population to 65%, using every method available
to sustain the remaining animals and using DNA to
bring back extinct species such as the elephant,
tiger, gorilla, bald eagle, horses, dolphins, etc.
Many species however are forever lost and it is
impossible to replicate some species habitats, but the
D.O.I. is optimistic that Earth's animal diversity
will be brought back. The D.O.I., with the backing of
the US Senate, has prohibited all non-sanctioned
visits to the wildlife preservation zones in an effort
to return them to pristine levels and to prevent human
The most challenging aspect of the reconstruction was
the cleaning of Earth's water supplies and oceans.
With the majority of the planet's water contaminated
with nuclear fallout, chemicals of every sort, and
other pollutants, the water had to be meticulously
cleaned. The D.O.I. built 20 million massive
filtration plants that each converted 300,000 cubic
feet of contaminated water into pristine water. This
slow process took 125 years to complete and the
majority of Earth's population was forced to drink
water imported from Mars, Neptune, and the moons of
Saturn. Only recently the fish population could be
used as a food source because the contamination has
been eliminated and their population is bursting.
The ozone layer of Earth is still being repaired.
This project has taken this department the most time
to achieve. At the wars end, the ozone was at 33% and
many died from exposure and many forms of skin
ailments. This was relieved by anti-radiation
satellites in geosynchronous orbit around the planet,
but the goal remains to fully repair the ozone and
make Earth self reliant against the sun.
To date, the most successful reconstruction effort of
the D.O.I. was the recovering of the human population.
The D.O.I. estimates that after the war the human
population was a dismal 4.5 billion, and today
(according to the US Census~ 2345) the total human
population is 129.6 billion, 33.3 billion of which are
on Earth. The D.O.I. just after the war, effectively
used in vitro fertilization to repopulate quickly. The
D.O.I. took the liberty of genetically enhancing them
to live longer and be genetically better in everyway,
slowly phasing out homo sapiens for homo sapiens
superior. The last of the genetically inferior humans
were phased out in 2305. The US is much stronger in
every field because of the program. Cloning was
strictly forbidden after the horrors of their use in
the war, and many known surviving clones were retired.
in vitro fertilization conceived children on the other
hand were widely accepted and many women volunteered
to carry them. Once the human population recovered the
US Senate continued to give huge tax free incentives
to continue the population boom.
The Department of the Interior is comprised of
60,568,345 employees and has been allotted 90 trillion
American dollars the last fiscal year and the
Secretary of the Interior asks the US Senate to
increase this amount by 10%. The D.O.I. believes the
continued work to restore Earth is extremely vital for
humanity and the United Systems of Earth. Earth is still
recovering from the insanity of the past, it is the obligation of the
D.O.I. to restore Earth, so the children of the Earth
can live on the same Earth that 10,000 years of our
descendants have lived in.
Latin: While theres life, theres hope.
Declassified picture of a Third War KIA. Unknown, Unknown, Earth [Sol].