WARNING: Extremely Mature Content (Animated Violence, Graphic Nudity)
The Two Percenters is a gritty graphic novel set during the Third War (2055-2077). It follows the exploits of the Two Percenters, an elite US Marine Company known for their ruthlessness and combat prowess during the war. The graphic novel begins as the company is formed during the Martian Campaigns and goes on to its bloody conclusion at the Battle of X'ian.
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<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< COMING 2011 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
E1 - Killer Instinct
E2 - Plains of Utopia 1
E3 - Plains of Utopia 2
E4 - EUC Deutschland
E5 - Red Revolt
E6 - "New" Earth
E7 - Intrepid
E8 - Harry the Lion
E9 - Eurabia
E10 - The Prophet
E11 - No End In Sight
E12 - The Gates
E13 - End of History